Gwendolyn Brooks
I was introduced to Gwendolyn Brooks via Bedford’s Introduction to Literature. I liked her rhythm, easy rhyme, the simplicity then reveal. But it was just that. Simple. And I like simple. A lot. But this poem alone is not a proper introduction:
“We Real Cool”
The Pool Players.
Seven at the Golden Shovel.
We real cool. We
Left school. We
Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We
Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We
Jazz June. We
Die soon.
Okay, fast forward just a few years and I was introduced to
Gwendolyn Brooks in real life while
working as a peon at Poetry magazine.
She was sweet and delightful and we chatted and I told her I came across a
flyer from when had been the Poetry Day poet years ago and she said she’d love
to have one of those flyers, so I sent her one and she sent me a sweet
thank-you note. And that is one of my stories you will probably hear again
should I ever have the chance to tell it.
Of course, when I chatted with her, I only had in mind the
“We Real Cool” poem. I wish, upon first introduction to Gwendolyn Brooks, Bedford had given me a sampling of her
poetic diversity, cause HERE she is again:
“gay chaps at the bar”
We knew how to order. Just the dash
Necessary. The length of gaiety in good taste.
Whether the raillery should be slightly iced
And given green, or served up hot and lush,
And we knew beautifully how to give to women
The summer spread, the tropics, of our love,
When to persist, or hold a hunger off.
Knew white speech. How to make a look an omen.
But nothing ever taught us to be islands.
And smart, athletic language for this hour
Was not in the curriculum. No stout
Lesson showed how to chat with death. We brought
No brass fortissimo, among our talents,
To holler down the lions in this air.
Sigh. The “We Real Cool” poem for which she is so well known
was published in 1960. Poetry magazine
published “gay chaps at the bar” in 1944. No excuse, Bedford. You had them both
at your disposal.
I’m not knocking “We Real Cool,” it’s just that it would be beneficial
for students of all races to hear something more “sophisticated” from the pen
of this incredibly talented African-American woman. To at least know the scope and diversity of her talent. "To holler down the lions in this air"